Athlete's foot is an itchy wound that appears in the feet, often between the toes. This is a very inconvenient condition and it is important for you to know how to eliminate athlete's foot to free yourself from the discomfort and pains brought by this disease.
Before knowing how to eliminate athlete's foot, you must understand what causes it. Our skin hosts a lot of micro organisms and when all conditions are right for the organisms to grow and multiply it will result to infections.
Athlete's foot started as an itchy, scaly, flaky patch in the skin. Scratching the affected area will not relieve the itchiness and may aggravate the discomfort. If not treated, skin may crack and blisters may appear which may result to swelling, exposed raw tissues and pains. It is important to eliminate athlete's foot as infection may spread to other parts of the body like elbows, armpits and groin. Groin infection is no longer called athlete's foot but jock itch instead.
Ways to eliminate athlete's foot:
Antifungal medications. To eliminate athlete's foot, common remedies are medications with antifungal properties. Doctors may prescribe topical creams and ointments usually containing miconazole, clotrimazole, terbinafine or itraconazole. Antibiotics will also be prescribed if infection includes exposed tissues to prevent further infections.
Keep feet dry. Fungus causing athlete's foot grow in moist warm environment and it is important to keep your feet dry especially the areas between the toes to eliminate athlete's foot. Avoid wearing shoes made of synthetic materials which promote sweating, wear sandals if possible. Use antifungal foot powder to prevent sweating and keep the feet dry all the time.
Foot Hygiene. There are reports that you can eliminate athlete's foot with just good foot hygiene. It is important to keep the feet clean. Wash your feet everyday especially at night. Allow your feet to dry properly especially spaces between the toes before putting on your shoes and socks. Change socks daily or when they become damp with sweat.
Avoid spreading and getting the fungus. Athlete's foot is contagious and the fungus thrives in wet or damp environment. Do not walk barefooted in public showers and swimming pool areas to avoid getting the fungus. Avoid sharing personal items like towels, footwear and clothes with other people.