Fungal infection of the nail is a condition where the nails are infected by fungus. Toenails are affected more often than finger nails. Symptoms include nail discoloration, brittleness, thickening and accumulation of debris under the nail. In severe cases, it is also possible for the nail to split or separate from the skin and wearing shoes can be very painful. Another great concern of sufferers is the unpleasant and embarrassing appearance of the affected nails. Treating fungal infections of the nail is important to stop the spread of infection. If not treated, the infection could spread to other nails.
Fungus thrives in warm moist environment and can spread from one person to another. A person wearing sweaty shoes, sharing slippers, walking barefooted in public showers and sharing personal items like slippers and nail clippers is at risk of developing fungal infection of the nails. It is important to know how to treat your nail fungus to get rid of the infection. Here are some tips in treating fungal infections of the nail.
Keep you nails clean and dry. In treating fungal infections of the nail, it is important to keep your nails clean and dry to make the environment less susceptible to fungi multiplication. Practice good foot hygiene and wear clean socks. As much as possible wear open footwear to allow air circulation and avoid wearing tight fitted shoes to prevent sweating.
Avoid sharing personal items. Use your own footwear and nail clippers and avoid sharing your personal items to prevent spread of fungus.
Boost your immune system. People who have low immune system are more prone to infections. In treating fungal infections of the nail, you need to eat a well-balanced diet, get enough sleep and exercise regularly to improve your immune system.
Medications. There are over the counter creams and medicines for nail fungal infection. Prescription oral medications are also helpful in treating fungal infections of the nail. It is best to take medications under the supervision of your doctor because medicines for fungal infection can harm the liver.
Natural remedies. Natural treatment for fungal infection made from natural ingredients like tea tree oil, almond oil, jojoba oil, lemon grass oil, vitamin E oil and clove oil are essential in treating fungal infections of the nails. Natural oils promote healthy nails.
Discover an all natural treatment made from all natural oils derived from plants and get rid of fungal infection naturally visit Get Rid of Nail Fungus